Essential Products for a Dewy Face
Hey, girl, hey! It's been a hot minute but I'm so excited to share this post with you! In recent years, Youtube, beauty bloggers, and Pinterest have been BLOWING up with matte make up looks. Matte is gorgeous and suits every single individual but what about a good dewy look? I don't see as much heat over it that I was hoping for. I mean, all those pictures beauty influencers post are gorgeous with a beautiful highlight but not many with a glowy, dewy face. I've been a matte girl (oily skin, y'all) for years but once I found trustworthy products that allow me to branch out into this whole new dewy world! A dewy face adds so much radiance and youth to your face while looking absolutely gorgeous! Taking it a step too far though, you'll look oily. Not cute at all. You have to find that balance and find products that won't betray you like that. As an oily girl myself, it was a hard step into the world when I tried out this type of make up look and ha...